标题: [??]????????? [打印本页] 作者: dodomo 时间: 2010-4-24 03:01 标题: [??]????????? 就是有一韩国女孩在superstore偷东西被发现了 超市里的人没报警 就是罚款了 罚过2次款了 数额都蛮大的 今天又寄了封这个信
拜托帮忙翻译下 我也才来这加国不久 英语很烂
这事情到底是完了还是没完?她是不是留下犯罪记录了?还有要画押指纹拍照片是什么意思??有那么严重吗??那她以后的签证会不会有影响呢?她挺可怜的 虽然我不知道她为什么偷东西 但是她看起来挺不错的 还做志愿者什么的 也不知道怎么想的。。。晕
The department of Justice Prosecution Services has been provided with a police report indicating that you were involved with an allegation of theft under on january 29 2010 although there is a basis to proceed with formal criminal charges before the court our office is prepared at this point in time to issue this formal letter of caution to you for this matter.
Therefore based upon a review of your contact with the authorities and the nature of the allegation we are not going to proceed with a criminal charge at this point in time.
It is our hope that you will consider the seriousness of this matter and the inappropriateness of your behavior with respect to this incident
Please be advised that this will be considered the end of this matter,however,should you become re-involved on any other criminal allegation ,the crown will reserve the right as afforded by law to re-consider the action we are taking
The objective of granting you this opportunity is the hope that this experience with the criminal justice system will also be your last
It will not be necessary for you to attend the court date that was given to you by the police or a judicial officer for this incident.You are ,however,still required by law to attend for any demand for attending for fingerprinting or photographs given by the police or a judicial officer.
Failure to comply with this may result in a warrant for you arrest.
Cory thomson,Paralegal for
Russ Ridd
Supervising Senior Crown Attorney
cc:WPS-Bureau of Police Records