Hi ACSSY stakeholders,
Hope you are all doing well!
We are excited to invite you to the Schulich China Business Forum (SCBF), a student-run, professional business conference dedicated to an in-depth discussion on the pressing issues of Canada-China business relations, as well as a sharing of Canada's leading companies' business practices in China. The forum will take place on Friday, March 18, 2005, at the Schulich School of Business, York University. It is a one-day event comprised of panel discussions, keynote speech and networking sessions.
Schulich East Asia Business Association (SEABA) is proud to sponsor the event, which is first-of-breed in Canada and one of the largest student events at Schulich. We invite you because we believe the forum will provide great value to you.
Around 20 guest speakers and panelists will speak at the forum. They include not only top executives of blue-chip companies, but also leaders of national trade development organizations and SME business councils. This provide you well-rounded perspectives on the present issues in Canada-China relations and opportunities to network, and inspire new business ideas. At the SCBF, you will:
· Interact with some of Canada's most important persons in Canada-China relations in 5 panels, 2 networking sessions, one keynote speeches and a buffet luncheon
· Understand Canada's leading companies and industries' Chinese experiences and China strategies and identify business and career opportunities
· Network with tens of business leaders, professionals and talented students from Canada's top business schools
· Receive tailored aids for networking and information collection
· Receive guest speakers’ presentation materials and contact information for about 150 of the forum's attendees.
As York University students and faculties enjoy special discounts for the forum. For more information about the SCBF, please visit http://scbf.schulich.yorku.ca or email your questions to scbf@schulich.yorku.ca. The SCBF committee will assist you on learning about the event and on ticket purchase.
RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE on or before March 11 (Friday), 2005. Please cherish the opportunity and place the order now! We would also appreciate it if you pass this message on to those who may be interested in this event.
Thank you for your attention and we look forward to meeting you at the forum.
Warm regards,
Schulich China Business Forum Committee
Schulich East Asia Business Association
Schulich School of Business, York University
newgene@163.COM[DISABLELBCODE] |