玛米亚645 数码后背
16 Million Pixel , 2048 x 3072 Phillips Chip.
PROFILE 6000S The Profile 6000s is capable of single shot capturewhich is ideal for both moving images and still life. This generates 18MB interpolated files using a new version of Jobo Provision software to produce superb quality images. The new software also gives the oppertunity to capture CMYK files,apply unsharpen mask, and apply various levels of colour correction "on the fly".
PROFILE 6000 This is currently the highest specification chip back on the market, being capable of Single shot, Multi shot and Micro stepping.Single shot gives you the same capability as the Profile 6000S above.
Multi Shot captures 4 separate shots of a still life subject, moving the chip by one pixel spacing between exposures underneath the chips RGB mosaic filter. This produces 48MB of raw data which is then processed to create an 18MB file of full colour information without the need for interpolation.
Micro stepping is the ultimate capture currently available. This is similar to 4 shot except the chip is moved afraction of a pixel between 16 seperate exposures. This generates a total of 192MB of raw data which is then processed to generate a massive 72MB file containing full colour information without the need for interpolation.