I am looking for two business partners.
Small investment is necessary. You must be serious and open-minded. Hard working and born business mind is necessary but not a must. You must like talking to people. Free Training provided.
Visa Students are welcomed.
Please apply to this account or leave your phone #
Let's meet together first.
I am a busy person. If you are not serious, please do not reply.
Hurry up. Opportunity is knocking.
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<A HREF="http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup">http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup</A>
NOTICE: ACSSY may change the policy for mailing list. The additional
policy will be:
1. Only those use <domain>@yorku.ca email address could apply mailing
list without permission and authorization.
2. For those who want to use other email addresses, you must hand in
copy of your York Student ID, or copy of your any other Photo ID for
non-York students.
3. The new policy may start from September 1st, 2002.
4. To hand in documents, please send to Bethune College 318.
5. Any questions, email to acssyex@yorku.ca
ACSSY 2001-2002 Executives
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unsub acssy