Rick Li,
Please find below a business lead delivered to you by the IBOC e-Leads(R) system. This lead was matched with the profile you provided to Canada's International Business Opportunities Centre.
Case Number: 021023-05069
Lead Title: LT Shackle Insulators
Closing Date: December 11, 2002
Type of Lead: Tender
Trade Sector(s):
Power and Energy Equipment and Related Prod. & Serv.
-Other related equipment
Client Information:
Company Name: Ceylon Electricity Board
Type of Business: Government
Street Address: No. 50, Sir Chittampalam A. Gardiner
City: Colombo 02
Country: Sri Lanka
Postal/Zip Code:
Contact Name: n/a
Contact Title: General Manager
Telephone: n/a
Fax: n/a
Details of Business Lead:
The International Business Opportunity Centre (IBOC) has received a tender opportunity from the Canadian High Commission in Colombo 07, Sri Lanka. The details are as follows:
Ceylon Electricity Board - Tender Notice - Tender No: MMP/T/B/2002/23
The Chairman, Ministry Tender Board will receive sealed Tenders for and on behalf of General Manaher, Ceylon Electricity Board, No. 50, Sir Chittampalam A. Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 02, Sri Lanka for the supply and delivery of undermentioned items up to 1000 hours on December 11th 2002.
Supply and Delivery of LT Shackle Insulators (90mmx76mm) - 1000,00 Nos.
Tenderers or their Authorised Representatives could purchase Tender Documents on application and on written request and on payment of a non-refundable Tender Fee of Rs2000/ per set.
Information copies of the cancelled Tender Documents could be purchased on payment of a non-refundable fee of Rs1,000/ per set, Foreign Embassies/ Trade Commissions may obtain information copies of cancelled Tender Documents free of charge on request.
All clarifications shall be sought two weeks before the closing of tenders from Deputy General Manager (Procurement), 7th Floor, No.50, Sri Chittampalam A. Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 02.
To obtain further information regarding this tender opportunity, please contact the Ceylon Electricity Board, directly.
Please also inform Mrs. Shyma Suraweera, Trade Assistant at the Canadian High Commission in Colombo 07, Sri Lanka, of your interest in this opportunity.
Mission: Colombo (Sri Lanka)
Trade Officer: Shyama Suraweera
Fax: (011-94-1) 68 70 49
Email: <A HREF="mailto:shyama.suraweera@dfait-maeci.gc.ca">mailto:shyama.suraweera@dfait-maeci.gc.ca</A>
Canadian Companies inform: the client and inform trade officer
If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact the e-Leads(R) administrator at steve.guertin@dfait-maeci.gc.ca
The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) and Industry Canada do not guarantee the accuracy and assume no responsibility for the use of information available at this World Wide Web (WWW) site or in this email message. Foreign business opportunities are published in the language of origin. The Center reserves the right to determine the quantity of business opportunities posted to the site.
(C) Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and Industy Canada, 2002 - All Rights Reserved