各位大侠, 你们好啊!
很高兴来到这个网站来跟大家分享关于考试的心得! 我将在这个月的15号参加TOEFL的笔试, 在我做语法题目时, 发现有几道百思不得其解, 希望能够得到大家的帮助!
(1)In 1899 Jane Addams, a social worker in Chicago, founded Hull House, an institution devoted to the improvement of community life in poor neighborhood.
(2)The "method", which is both a style of acting a system of training for the actor, stresses inner motivation and psychological truth.
(3)Basalt, which composes most of the ocean floor, is a dark-grey rock rich in iron and magnesium than most surface rocks.
希望大家能够尽快给予解答, 小女子感激不禁! 谢谢啦!!